Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Moses the Wonder Cat

For those of you who know me well, you know I have a cat named Moses. He is not the brightest of creatures but he is a member of our family and we don't judge him for his shortcomings. I think that he thinks he is human, no scratch that I think that he thinks he is a dog that thinks he is human.

He tries to drive the car, dry the clothes and do various other things that get him into trouble therefor costing us (and my mother-in-law) a pretty penny.

Let me take you to the beginning of our life long journey with Moses. Let me remind you that I am NOT a cat person.

It was 9pm and hubby and I wanted ice cream. I told him to go to Winco because it was much cheaper, however as usual he did not listen and went to Roth's (he has some strange fancy for that way over priced store, I think he is a grocery snob.....). Anyways, on his way to Roths he found a kitten in a pool of blood. He called me up and explained the situation, he had thoughts of putting him out of his misery, but he couldn't do it. He took him to the ER for animals (yes there is a 24 hour ER for animals!) and they gave him pain meds and told hubby not to expect him to live through the night. Hubby kept him in a box and slept next to him on the couch all night giving him medicine every 3 hours or so. Moses lived, purring the whole time. My MIN said that she would pay his expenses so we fixed him up. $1000, a pin in his hip, an amputation of his tail and a neutering later, we have Moses the Wonder Kitty.

You would think this story got boring from here but oh it doesn't. I truly think that something got knocked loose in Moe's head that fretful night, because he continues to get himself in interesting situations.

See Moses likes to jump off things that are high. Any other cat that would be fine, but Moses has a pin in his leg that doesn't flex very well. Needless to say he often injures himself.

But the best story of all is his ride in the dryer.

Yes my cat took a ride in the dryer. Thank God I noticed within two or three tumbles. The extension of the story that many of you have heard is that we had to buy a new dryer. Apparently Moses was a little scared in the dryer and permanently "marked" the dryer forever.

I thought I would give you the history of Moses the Wonder Cat as well as a picture so you all could have a face to the name and story.


Sharon said...

That is hilarious!

momaof4 said...

I love his look. 'Back off baby, this is MY bed now!!!'